Schio is placed in the province of Vicenza, the entrance Val Leogra, in Alto Vicentino. The town centre is surrounded by an amphithetre formed by mountains that facilitated the development of several craft activities and industries, in particular in the textile and woolen sectors.

Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
If we consider the italian industrialization history, we can affirm that Schio was one of the first areas that specialized in wool industry. The wool activity had already been present in Schio's economy for a long period.

Places of historical interest
The main town palaces highlight how important this monuments are as "historical document" of the endless cultural and civil development in Schio.

Ernest Hemingway a Schio
Ernest Hemingway ha 18 anni quando parte da Kansas City e arriva in Italia, a Schio, assegnato alla 4^ Sezione della Croce Rossa americana.

Churches and worship places
Schio boasts numerous interesting churches and the religious life is divided between different parishes: from the central one, St. Peter, including the Duomo, to those which are placed in outskirts and in the hilly area.

The inhabited area is surrounded by the Piccole Dolomiti peaks. Both in the hilly area and in the mountain zone there are still many districts (contrade) which represent great evidence of the ancient rural society.

Qui è possibile scaricare le cartoguide della Città, dall'Archeologia industriale alle Colline di Schio e Monte Novegno