Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Monumento al Tessitore
Piazza Rossi, SchioThe monument, was commissioned by Alessandro Rossi, a textile industrialist from Vicenza who wanted to dedicate the monument to our good will and to our workers after 40 years together. The statue was originally located at the crossroads between Viale Pietro Maraschin and Viale Alessandro Rossi, currently it is situated in Piazza A. Rossi in the heart of the current historic centre
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Lanificio Conte
Largo Fusinelle - Galleria conte, SchioThe Conte Wool Mill is one of the city’s oldest factories, In the piazza in front of the mill we find the bust of Alvise Conte, who died in 1950 and who was considered a leading figure in both the industrial world and in the civil and social life of the city. He had, in fact, been able to keep the mill going even in the difficult period in the 1930’s and during WW 2.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Spazio SHED
Via Pasubio n. 99, SchioDesigned in 1906 by engineer Carlo Letter and built in a reinforced concrete patented by Hennebique, with a Shed roofing, a very modern concept and material for those days.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
La Roggia Maestra
Largo Fusinelle, SchioRoggia Maestra is an artificial canal which originates from Torrebelvicino, it crosses the urban centre and it end up in Marano.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Asilo Infanzia Alessandro Rossi
Via Pasubio, SchioCurrently it is not accessible due to a fire which damaged the building. It was founded by Alessandro Rossi near the factory for his workers' children.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Fabbrica Alta e Lanificio Francesco Rossi
Via Pasubio 149, SchioFabbrica Alta is the emblem of the Veneto’s industrial heritage.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Monumento Alessandro Rossi
Crocevia via P. Maraschin, viale Trento e Trieste, via A. Baccarini, via F.lli Pasini, , SchioThe monument Alessandro Rossi is placed in front of St. Antonio Church. It was founded by a citizen's committee to celebrate a man who started the territory's industrialization and who brought Lanificio Rossi to become one of the main industries in Italy in the second half of '800.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Quartiere Operaio La Nuova Schio
via Fusinieri, schioThe worker’s quarter in "La Nuova Schio", built between 1872 and 1890. Alessandro Rossi, who commissioned the development, intended to create a new urban and social texture which could meet the housing needs of most of the workers who had moved to the city.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Scuola Convitto di Pomologia e Orticoltura
via A. Rossi 8, SchioThe school of Pomology is placed in the workers quarter.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Villino Giovanni Rossi
Via Pietro Maraschin, SchioGiovanni Rossi, son of entrepreneur Alessandro, built his villa in the current Via Pietro Maraschin, the main street of the workers’ quarter.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Teatro Civico
Via Pietro Maraschin 19, SchioThe theatre is a sign of the vitality, not only industrial but also cultural, that the City of Schio had shown since the beginning of the 20th century and was built at the centre of the New Workers Quarter.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Fabbrica Saccardo
Contrà Progresso n.1, SchioThe company’s first headquarters was in the centre of Schio, along the Roggia Maestra in Via Nova (current Via Btg Val Leogra) and a few years later moved to a building nearby.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Ambulatorio medico-Chirurgico - now headquarter of Associazione Alpini
via Baratto, SchioThis medical clinic was established in 1898 and was dedicated to Alessandro Rossi in memory of his fiftieth wedding anniversary.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate
Via P. Maraschin 1, SchioThe Church of Sant’Antonio Abate was built in 1879 by architect Antonio Caregaro Negrin. It was meant to physically provide a connection between the New Workers Borough and the City’s historic centre.
Industrial Archeology and Alessandro Rossi
Giardino Jacquard
Giardino Jacquard, Via Pasubio 150/154, Schio, SchioIl giardino venne realizzato nel 1859 su ordine di Alessandro Rossi per offrire un luogo di svago e cultura ai lavoratori e cittadini. La facciata lombardesca dell'edificio alterna alle finestre 12 medaglioni in terracotta che raffigurano personaggi illustri della storia di Schio.