Churches and worship places

Chiesa di San Nicolò "ai Cappuccini"

Via Cappuccini 87, Schio


The monastery of Saint Nicholas is one of the first testimonies of the presence of the Capuchin order in Veneto (and the first in the province of Vicenza), established in 1528 as a new branch of the Franciscans. In 1537, the first chapter of the Veneto province was held in the monastery of Schio, founded by Friar Matteo Pedrazza from Vicenza; over time, it offered hospitality to important international figures of the Franciscan world such as Lorenzo da Brindisi and Marco d'Aviano. The monastery and the adjacent Church of Saint Nicholas, attested at the end of the 13th century and consecrated in 1602, underwent several restorations. In 1769 the monastery was suppressed and became property of the Serenissima and later sold to private buyers, while the church remained open to its congregation. In 1946, after delicate and complex vicissitudes, the Capuchins returned to the old convent, which was officially reopened with a solemn celebration.
The convent has about a dozen cells, a refectory, a kitchen, a cloister and other common rooms; it also has an ample and rich vegetable garden. The entrance of the sober church of Saint Nicholas is preceded by a small portico; in a niche above the side door on the right, there is a skull with a menacing inscription:
"O tu mortal che guardi miri e pensi, / io fui quale tu sei con alma e sensi. / Tu pur verrai cangiato qual son io, / pensa di cuore a questo e va con Dio" (Oh though mortal who looks and thinks, I like you are with soul and senses. You too will be changed like I am, consider this with all your heart, and go with God). The church interior extends on one nave with trussed roof; the left lateral chapel contains the remains of brother Matteo (1906-1989), an unforgotten and exemplary Franciscan figure. Other important works of art found in the High Altar are the 18th century carved and gilded wood tabernacle, the altarpiece (1597) by Alessandro Maganza which represents Saint Nicholas with Saints Francis, Chare, Lawrence and Catherine of Alexandria and two small altarpieces with the Annunciation, a prestigious work by the Capuchin painter Paolo Piazza.
In 2013 the last remaining monks living in Saint Nicholas were transferred to another seat and the historic convent was eventually closed down.

Una delle prime testimonianze nel veneto dell'ordine dei Cappuccini, è sorto nel 1528.


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La pietà della collezione Panciera

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Event date
Via Pasini 42, SCHIO